Happy Earth Day

Last night the temperature dropped to what I hope will be the last freeze this spring. I was forced to cover up some of the more sensitive plants I’d set out in a rash burst of exuberant gardening. It wasn’t my fault. Mother Nature also tricked me into early action with her colorful, fragrant (and…

State of the Garden – March/April 2021

It’s been a long time since I last posted and with reason: there hasn’t been much to say about a garden covered in snow for several months. But that snow is now gone, the days are warming and the Earth says it’s time to get back out there, so here I am!

Playing in the Mud

It was a muddy mess this morning but I went out in the rain anyway because beds gotta be prepared and seeds gotta be planted! Despite the light drizzle and chill, it was a productive time and I was able to plant my peas, radishes, a few rows of Detroit Dark Red beets and a…

Is It Spring Already?

I know we’ve still got plenty of time for March to roar, but between the Daylight Savings Time change and the 60 degree sunny day today, it sure feels like Spring has arrived in the northeast U.S. The crocus are in bloom, there are a few forsythia buds ready to pop and right here at…